“Solastalgia is a form of homesickness one gets when one is still at ‘home,’” (Albrecht, 2005, p. 45). As the places we love change because of shifting weather patterns, intensifying storms, wildfires, and other climate impacts, solastalgia and eco-anxiety are intensifying. Normalizing these experiences in community is key to building the emotional resilience to move through environmental distress into action. Participants in this interactive workshop are invited to share space with others who are feeling the weight of the climate crisis and practice strategies for community resilience building.
Led by Dr. Jen Myers, sustainability educator at the Thrive Ithaca EcoVillage Education Center, this workshop will offer tools for cohousing communities interested in all aspects of resiliency planning, from disaster preparedness to climate support groups. Dr. Myers will share a climate resiliency assessment tool developed by the Global Ecovillage Network and discuss the EcoVillage at Ithaca’s efforts to decarbonize, set benchmarks, and develop goals for climate adaptation.
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