Dyan Wiley
Community MemberDetails
Handle (@______ so people can tag you in the platform) | dyanwiley21gmail-com |
First Name | Dyan |
Last Name | Wiley |
Region | Northeast (US) |
Pronouns | she/her |
Role(s) in the movement: | Cohousing Resident |
Community/Organizational Affiliation | Cherry Hill Cohousing |
Bio | Dyan is a founding member and longtime resident of Cherry Hill Cohousing (formerly Pioneer Valley) in western Massachusetts and lives part-time in Belfast, Maine. She has advised other cohousing communities and provided training in facilitation, decision making, group process, and policy development. She has led public presentations on many aspects of cohousing and has facilitated introductory workshops on senior cohousing for interested individuals including Study Group 1 curriculum on aging successfully in community. She chairs the Seniors in Cohousing Committee of CohoUS. She’s currently doing freelance grant writing after retiring from her job as associate director of foundation relations at Mount Holyoke College. Her career has spanned several other fields including marketing and communications, community outreach, arts programming, and nonprofit organizational development training and consulting. She facilitates workshops focused on seniors living in cohousing, having led sessions at the national cohousing conferences in Madison WI (2022) and Denver CO (2024) as well as workshops through CohoUS’s online programming series. |