Joined Jan 2023 •
Active 6 weeks ago
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Southwest (US)
Role(s) in the movement:
Cohousing Advocate
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Mission Peak Village
Evelyn LaTorre , Ed.D joined Mission Peak Village, a cohousing venture in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2014 and, with a brief detour with Adams Creek Cohousing in Oregon, has since been an active member to get cohousing built in the suburb of Fremont. After retiring from 32 years in public education as a psychologist and special education administrator, the author traveled the world and wrote two memoirs. Her first book, Between Inca Walls, won a Peace Corps Experience Award and first place from Chanticleer International Books’ Hearten category. Love in Any Language,won a Book Excellence Award. Dr. LaTorre’s writing has appeared in World View Magazine, Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, The California Writers Club Literary Review, The Tri-City-City Voice, Dispatches, Clevermag.com, Conscious Connection, Sactuary Magazine, Girltalk HQ, and in professional publications. She is a lifetime member of the National Association of Memoir Writers and a long-time member of the California Writers Club.