
Handle (@______ so people can tag you in the platform)


First Name


Last Name




Role(s) in the movement:

Cohousing Professional, Strategic Partner

Community/Organizational Affiliation

Foundation for Intentional Community, The Next Big Step


Hi, I’m Sky Blue! Yes, that is my real name. Yes, my parents were hippies. They met at Twin Oaks Community, a 55-year old, rural, income-sharing IC in Virginia, which I joined when I was 19 and raised a kid (who is now 21) in a poly family. I am gender-fluid/nonbinary, socialized-as-male/male-bodied, and of European heritage. My parents came from working-class families, adopted counterculture lifestyles, were the first in their families to be college-educated, and raised me non-christian, with a deep reverence for nature and opposition to consumer-capitalism.

I’m a massive intentional community nerd, and the movement has been my world for 25 years. I’ve lived in 7 different ICs and visited over 130. I’m a consultant, networker, and movement builder, most notably serving as the Executive Director of the Foundation for Intentional Community for 4 years and on the Board for 2, and serving as the primary representative of the FIC to the New Economy Coalition. I have extensive experience with cooperative business and event organizing. I’m a pragmatic visionary and love to get my hands dirty in the communities I call home.
