Sky Blue
Handle (@______ so people can tag you in the platform) | skyblue |
First Name | Sky |
Last Name | Blue |
Pronouns | they/them |
Role(s) in the movement: | Cohousing Professional, Strategic Partner |
Community/Organizational Affiliation | Foundation for Intentional Community, The Next Big Step |
Bio | Hi, I’m Sky Blue! Yes, that is my real name. Yes, my parents were hippies. They met at Twin Oaks Community, a 55-year old, rural, income-sharing IC in Virginia, which I joined when I was 19 and raised a kid (who is now 21) in a poly family. I am gender-fluid/nonbinary, socialized-as-male/male-bodied, and of European heritage. My parents came from working-class families, adopted counterculture lifestyles, were the first in their families to be college-educated, and raised me non-christian, with a deep reverence for nature and opposition to consumer-capitalism. I’m a massive intentional community nerd, and the movement has been my world for 25 years. I’ve lived in 7 different ICs and visited over 130. I’m a consultant, networker, and movement builder, most notably serving as the Executive Director of the Foundation for Intentional Community for 4 years and on the Board for 2, and serving as the primary representative of the FIC to the New Economy Coalition. I have extensive experience with cooperative business and event organizing. I’m a pragmatic visionary and love to get my hands dirty in the communities I call home. |
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