Navigating microaggressions in community requires mastering the art of calling in or out, which is essential for holding individuals accountable for any harm caused. Despite the current association of calling out with “cancelling” people, this workshop will focus on the potential for fostering healthy dialogue and deepening learning. This workshop will cover the basics of microaggressions, effective calling in and out strategies, and managing common responses, equipping you with the confidence to stand up for others and actively contribute to a more diverse and inclusive community.
The Art of Calling In and Calling Out
Instructor: Crystal Byrd Farmer
Categories: On Demand Programs, Diversity, equity and justice in cohousing, EventInstructor: Crystal Byrd Farmer
Crystal Byrd Farmer is an organizer and consultant in the intentional communities movement. She serves as a board member for the Foundation for Intentional Community, the BIPOC Intentional Community Council, and The Sum. She also runs an Agile Learning Center for disabled children called Gastonia Freedom School. In 2020 she published The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Increasing Diversity in Your Organization. Crystal is passionate about encouraging people to change their perspectives on diversity, relationships, and the world.
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