Thank you for signing up

Professional Membership

Thank you so much for joining us as a CohoUS member! We are looking forward to learning more about you and your organization and excited about the opportunity to support your efforts to provide services to the cohousing community. 

With your payment, you and two additional members of your organization are now eligible to receive free and discounted programming through The Cohousing Institute. To make this possible, each individual will need to create an account using a personalized URL that we will create just for your organization.

Here's what happens next...

If you (or your colleagues) already have an account at The Cohousing Institute

Please follow the same steps above! This way we can connect your account to your organization so your membership discounts will be automatically applied.

Don't forget to explore!

Your membership also includes additional benefits available on our sister site It is on this website that you will create Classifieds Ads, update your Community Directory Listings, post upcoming events, and more. For more information on creating and utilizing an account at, please reach out to


Feel free to email our Program Director
Carolyn Pruitt:

Subscription Renewal

Your community’s membership dues are good for one year and will be need to be renewed each year. This way you and your members will not have to re-create your accounts again each time and you will not have any lapse in benefits during the renewal process. Don’t worry, we will send you reminders before it’s time to renew your membership, with the opportunity to opt-out if you so choose. However, if you need to update your company credit card information or make any changes to who is responsible for your community’s payment, please give us a shout!

While you are waiting!

Your organization’s unique registration link will be ready soon but you can already access your personal member discounts. Visit the dashboard and the programs page to start exploring.