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2024 Denver National Cohousing Conference Volunteer Opportunities - CLOSED

Thanks for your interest in volunteering at the August 2024 Denver Cohousing Conference. At this time all of our volunteer slots are FULL and we are no longer accepting applicants to our waitlist. If you require financial help to attend the conference, please reach out to cohousingassociationofus@gmail.com  for information about scholarships. 

Volunteer Timeline:

  • Now – July 31 – We are accepting applications on an as needed basis. We will update this page when all volunteer slots have been awarded.
  • June – July – Volunteer role assignments (ie, registration shifts, session hosts for specific sessions, etc.)  We will make a few initial assignments based on preferences listed on your application form. Then all volunteers will be invited to sign up for the shifts they prefer.
  • August 1-4 – Conference is open, volunteers will be working. It is possible for some volunteers to do all of their hours on Aug 3-4 (Saturday and Sunday), though this would involve more session hosting and less ability to self-select sessions to attend.

Volunteer Exchange:

We have two options for volunteers this year.

  • Option 1 – Pay $150, receive a full conference registration including plenary sessions and meals.Volunteers commit to 10 hours (more is optional) of conference support plus one pre-conference zoom meeting.
  • Option 2 – Pay the full registration rate. Volunteer 4 or more hours, plus one pre-conference zoom meeting.

All volunteers receive a free T-shirt and are invited to the volunteer room with snacks and opportunities for meeting other volunteers throughout the conference.

What Roles Do Volunteers Fill:

Each volunteer will sign up for shifts (usually 2 hours) as they are able and to satisfy their volunteer commitment (in case of discounted registration).

  • Registration table activities
  • Greeters in lobby
  • Room monitors for each session (introduction or speakers, timekeeper, AV liaison)
  • Exhibit Hall monitors
  • Runners
  • Reception greeters
  • Guides for directing attendees to locations for meals, community tours, book-signings
  • Set-up/Take-down
  • Volunteers’ Room support
  • Photographers of events and sessions


For more information about volunteering, contact our volunteer coordinator, Karen Gimnig at karencohous@gmail.com